Alberto Godínez

Social Management Expert

Alberto has a degree in Sociology from the Autonomous University of Mexico. Within his professional trajectory he has collaborated in the preparation of Social Impact Assessments, Community Relations Strategies and Social Management plans, he has carried out advice and elaboration of community projects in rural areas of the states of Hidalgo, Veracruz and Guanajuato for the gathering of useful general information in the elaboration of diagnoses, (direct work in the field with farmers in assemblies and meetings) and verification of the feasibility of productive projects with farmers. During the period 2008 – 2009, he collaborated with INMUJERES in the development of accountability indicators to monitor the National Policy of Equality between Women and Men for the National Institute of Women, as well as in the design of a database to compile the information obtained from the accountability indicators.

During 2016, he served as Social Care Supervisor in the works corresponding to the construction of the Third Conduction Line of the Cutzamala System in the municipalities of Lerma, Xonacatlán, Temoaya and Almoloya de Juárez. He has also served as Community Relations Coordinator at Compañía Minera Autlán Unidad Molango, in the state of Hidalgo, for the attention of interest groups, local authorities, prevention and resolution of conflicts and implementation of a communication and social management system.