Gonzalo Sandoval

Expert in Energy Management and Quality

He is a Mechanical Electrical Engineer, electrical-electronics area, field of electrical power systems from the Faculty of Engineering of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He is an expert in the area of ​​electrical engineering, specifically in the areas of electrical energy quality, harmonic filtering and mitigation, reactive power compensation, and measurable grid code criteria.

He was an electrical maintenance supervisor at TV Azteca where he was involved with the maintenance, operation and commissioning of electrical equipment, as well as of industrial and critical application of electrical installations, and the grounding of sensitive electronic equipment.

He participated as a project engineer at Inelap (currently Grupo Arteche) developing studies of reactive power compensation, harmonic filtering and mitigation, power quality and grounding of electrical equipment in low and medium voltage electrical networks.

He was Senior Project Manager at Det Norske Veritas México, auditing, validating and verifying compliance with the guidelines of the Clean Development Mechanism of the United Nations Kyoto Protocol for renewable energy projects and energy demand in Mexico and Central America.

He participated as auditor and technical expert in the validation and verification processes of renewable energy projects and energy demand developed in Mexico, Central America, South America, Africa and Asia under the guidelines of CDM-Gold Standard and the Clean Development Mechanism of the United Nations Kyoto Protocol.

He currently serves as an Electrical Engineer in Specialized Electrical Engineering Services, participating in energy quality projects, harmonic filtering and mitigation, reactive power compensation and measurable criteria of the network code for end users and in alliance with other engineering companies. He has taught more than 180 trainings, seminars and conferences for the private and public sectors, as well as for higher-level public educational institutions.